Saturday, 15 September 2012

Home Theater Wireless Keyboard

As long as I am talking about spending money on electronics or technology around the house, we should talk about how I am going to control it. That’s simple, with a wireless keyboard and mouse!
I did a bunch of research around the web and at friends homes that have the Internet and a computer hooked up to their large flat panel televisions and I noticed something. It sure does suck to be sitting on the couch relaxing with the keyboard on your lap and then have to re-adjust to grab the mouse and then put the mouse on something to get it to work and then put the keyboard back onto your lap just to browse to a new search engine or make a comment on FaceBook or Youtube.
Here is the solution, a wireless keyboard that has a mouse pad built into the keyboard unit. This thing is epic. Not only does it allow you to do all your Internet shizzy in one spot, it also can be stored in a recharging cradle. The charge lasts up to 30 days and it has a range of up to thirty (30) feet when connected using an Apple’s bluetooth dilly.

wireless keyboard with a built in mouse and track pad

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