At that time also the computer was still in a primitive stage: to run a simple calculation needed instructions written in a programming language. Its official name when it was patented, "XY Position Indicator for a Display System", which translates as: XY position indicator for a display device. But from the beginning the team itself began to call it mouse, mouse in Spanish, to see the long cord that connected, similar to the tail of a rodent, they all seemed an appropriate name. In San Francisco, in late 1968 was publicly presented the first official model. For an hour and half also showed a multimedia presentation of a networked computer system, as well as first made himself known with a graphical windowing system then would take practically all modern operating systems. At that time also was exhibited hypermedia, a mechanism for browsing and using videoconferencing. Engelbart really stepped forward several decades to a possible future, and since 1951 had begun to develop the possibilities of connecting computers in networks, when there were only a few dozen and quite primitive, among other ideas as the email itself, which would be its first user . He thought the computer could be used for much more than mathematical computations and mouse, mouse, part of this ambitious project, which aimed to increase the collective intelligence founded the Augmentation Research Center (Center for Research on increase) in Stanford University. And despite early hopes that Engelbart was the tip of the iceberg, for development of various computer components like, a decade after it was unique and revolutionary who had not yet gained popularity. In fact several of the concepts and ideas encountered even today have been successful. Engelbart also failed to a great fortune, the patent adjudicated all rights to Stanford University and he received a check for $ 10,000. On 27 April 1981 launched the world's first computer with mouse included: Xerox Star 8010, central to the new and powerful graphical interface that depended on this device, which was in turn, another revolution. Others include it later emerged, some of them were the Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, and the famous Apple Lisa. Two years later, Microsoft, which had access to Xerox's mouse in its prototype stages, reveals his own design also available with earlier versions of Word word processor. I had two green buttons and could be purchased for $ 195, but its high price and then not having an operating system that really draw, made it happen completely undetected. It was not until the appearance of the Macintosh in 1984 when this device became popular. The design and creation was carried out by new Stanford University in 1980 when Apple asked a group of young a peripheral safe, cheap and could be mass produced. Started from a mouse based on technology from Xerox to cost around $ 400, with regular operation and almost impossible to clean. The president, Steve Jobs wanted a price between 10 and 35 dollars. As capture the movement of a mouse, mouse, standard mechanical 1: The drag on the surface rotates the ball, 2: this in turn moves the rollers orthogonal 3: these are linked to coding optical discs, but opaque drilled, 4:, depending on their position can miss or interrupt a diode infrared signals LED.5: These optical pulses are captured by sensors and a digital signal obtained from the current horizontal and vertical speed to finally transmitted to the computer.
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